Troed yr Harn, Hospital Road, Talgarth, LD3 0EF

  • 1 place available
  • Accommodation provided
  • 1 one bedroom in Hendy, the farmhouse at the college farm. It is shared with two other people and comprises a shared kitchen, bathroom, living room and small garden. 

Located in the beautiful landscape of the Welsh Black Mountains, our upland hill farm campus is also a nature recovery project, transforming former upland grazing into regenerated woodland, organic orchards, horticulture, and agro-ecological nature-friendly farming. Until recently, it was intensively grazed with sheep – we are implementing a plan to increase biodiversity and experiment with regenerative practices on the 120-acres of the land. It is undergoing an agoecological transition with horticulture, some arable, agro-forestry and silviopasture. 

After two years of ecological surveys, consultation and planning we are now into year one of implementation with expansion of horticulture, limiting of sheep grazing and the development of a tree nursery. Students are actively involved in the development of the farm and the management of growing activities. The routes to market are being developed. 


Horticulture plot at Troed yr Harn

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