Student Support
Your learning experience is affected by a variety of factors, and we understand how important it is to support you at every stage of your journey, from application through to graduation and beyond.
Our student support services include advice, guidance and direct support and our team can help with a wide variety of aspects of student life, whether these are related to your studies, your career aspirations or something more personal.
Students will be part of a small and friendly community, where staff and students work together to learn, develop your skills and resilience, and help you achieve your personal ambitions.
how can we help?
BMC has many avenues of support, which include:
Careers and progression advice
Personal tutoring
Financial advice and hardship support
Wellbeing, counselling, and health advice
Accommodation support
Language study support

accessibility services
Our accessibility services include practical support for disabilities, differences and neurodiversities. We can advise how you can be supported through EHCPs (England) and ALN plans (Wales) for Further Education courses and Disabled Students Allowances for Higher Education courses.
Additional learner needs (ALN) are identified at the point of your interview during the application process, and adjustments will be discussed prior to enrolment.
Throughout your course, you can receive support and guidance from our Student Services team, your personal tutor if you are studying on our degree programme, or from a counsellor.
Higher education students have the opportunity to engage with Cardiff Metropolitan University’s full range of student services, and further education students are able to make use of NPTC Group’s range of support options too.
our facilities
Our wonderful study locations speak for themselves, and we also have a range of facilities to enhance your experience, for example:
I.T Services
We aim to ensure all students have access to a laptop if they need it. All of our sites have high-speed internet, and we have printers, laminators, and photocopiers available for student use.
Library Services
We have a small subject-specific library in Talgarth, and you’ll have access to surrounding public libraries too in Talgarth, Treorchy, or Brecon etc.
Higher education students will have access to a wide range of physical and online resources at Cardiff Metropolitan University, which includes a range of guidance on academic skills, access to over 30,000 e-journals and 4,500 e-books.
Contact Student Support

Fenella Lloyd
Student Support Lead
Telephone: 01874 711888
Email: Fenella@blackmountainscollege.uk

Ria Carter
Student Support
Telephone: 01874 711888
Email: Ria@blackmountainscollege.uk